video banking rolloutIf you’re looking for ways to ensure the success of your video banking rollout, one of your best bets is getting your leadership team on board early in the process. This is critical because these individuals can set the tone for how the new channel is perceived throughout your financial institution and how much support and involvement you’ll get from your peers who can contribute to the project.

Video banking will impact many departments in your organization, some of which may have conflicting interests, including finance, IT, and marketing, so support from your leadership team will help avoid friction and contribute to a smoother rollout.

The key to getting the necessary alignment from senior management is establishing a solid strategy and business case. You’ll need to have a comprehensive understanding of the contribution video banking can deliver to all areas of your business and how you want to use the solution. Be open to adjustments in your strategy because the fresh eyes of senior leaders can identify overlooked gaps, and you’ll find it easier to get their buy-in when they know those gaps will be addressed.

When presenting your strategy and business case, you’ll ask your leadership team to:

Confirm a budget allowance or guidance to build a realistic plan. “Realistic” is the key word here. You want to know exactly what you can count on. You will likely start small, with select use cases, to create a more affordable and manageable video banking program with a greater chance of success. Once that’s accomplished, management will be more comfortable providing additional funds to expand the program across more business lines.

Communicate the video banking strategy to key stakeholders and encourage their involvement. As one Vidyo financial services client said, “Excitement is contagious.” When your leadership team is excited about your video banking strategy, their enthusiasm will spread to others throughout the organization. So, once you’ve secured leadership buy-in, be sure to have them share the strategy with key stakeholders, emphasizing how much the plan’s success depends on them.

It’s not just the support of senior leadership that’s crucial, it’s their involvement as well. Buy-in is imperative, but having leadership actively show their support and involvement is truly a major step toward implementing and deploying a successful video banking strategy.

To learn more about how to secure leadership support and other critical steps you need for a successful video banking roll out, download our guide to implementing video banking.

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